Cochran Texas | Wrongful Death Lawyers in Texas

Cochran Law Firm Texas

Wrongful Death Lawyers in Texas

Losing a family member is very painful.  But what if it didn’t have to happen?
If your family member’s death was caused by someone else, that person or business could be held liable.  It doesn’t matter if the person meant to do it or not.  
Nothing can bring your family member back.  But a wrongful death can claim can help in a couple of ways.  First, it helps hold the guilty party accountable.  You could also be eligible for money to cover pain and suffering, medical costs, funeral expenses and lost wages.  Finally, it can make life safer for others if the guilty party understands what they did wrong and changes their ways.  
A wrongful death suit is different than a crime.  Even if a person is cleared of a crime, the victim’s family might still be able to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit.  
A Cochran Texas wrongful death lawyer can help get justice on your family members’ behalf.

Contact us today to schedule your free case evalutation

Cochran Law Firm Texas
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